Thursday, April 9, 2009

Thursday Tag Dag - "Organic"

With over 146,235 Etsy Shops each with an average of 10 items in each that's nearly 1.5 million different goodies to stumble across, so each Thursday I will feature 3 items found using a random keyword and see what Treasures surface, enjoy!

Today's keyword: Organic

Hard to put into words, but just so lovely and gentle.
Gardenia Top $64 from zelaya

Typical candles are full of chemicals and synthetics that when they burn the let off toxins into the air and can be the cause of headaches, these candles eliminate that occurrence and help with your chakra what more can you ask for!
Organic chakra balance all natural vegan soy votive candle $2.20 from Lilsprout

There's something about little pouches to stash secrets or little treasures in, these a gorgeous and I just realised a fellow Aussie too!
Armadillo At Sea Hemp Purse from mingus


  1. Very nice shops. Love the candles.

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